  • 建筑项目经理
  • 现场工程师
  • 总承包商
  • 建设项目总监
  • 高级项目经理
  • 建筑顾问


Are interested in achieving maximum profit by efficient use of people, 机器, 按时并使业主满意地完成建筑工程所需的材料和其他资源.


Interdisciplinary coursework combining engineering with business 管理. 有效计划、组织和控制资源以管理建设项目所需的技能. 一个高要求的职业领域.


  • 施工经理
  • 现场工程师
  • 施工负责人
  • 可持续发展顾问


施工管理 is a combination of technology, 施工技术, and 管理 to meet the needs of the rapidly growing 建设 industry. 与建筑工程相比,建筑管理较少学习数学和工程概念,而是更多地关注与商业相关的课程. 该计划旨在为学生准备通过有效利用人员实现最大利润的艺术, 机器, 材料, 和其他资源,以按时完成建设项目,并使业主满意. 工程学的融合, 建设, 管理, 而商科则为学生提供了建筑行业管理的背景和理解. 该项目可获得建筑管理学士学位(BS) American Council for Construction Education (访问).

A minor in Business Administration offered by the 大学 of Business is required for all B.S. 建筑管理专业. Students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 to be admitted into the minor program. A minor in Business Administration requires a minimum GPA of 2.50 in the courses that satisfy the minor. 此外,累积GPA为2.总分50分,毕业时需获得建筑管理理学学士学位.




  1. Provide a comprehensive curriculum to meet the 建设 industry's needs.
  2. 培养具有沟通技巧的毕业生,以成功地在建筑行业实践.
  3. Promote professional opportunities such as guest speakers, 奖学金, and internships from the 建设 industry to students.



建筑管理项目采用了ACCE定义的17项学生学习成果(slo)作为项目学习成果(PLOs)。. Upon graduation from the 施工管理 program, graduates shall be able to:

  1. Create written communications appropriate to the 建设 discipline.
  2. Create oral presentations appropriate to the 建设 discipline.
  3. Create a 建设 project safety plan.
  4. Create 建设 project cost estimates.
  5. 创建施工项目进度表.
  6. Analyze professional decisions based on ethical principles.
  7. Analyze methods, 材料, and equipment used to construct projects.
  8. 乐虎集团 electronic-based technology to manage the 建设 process.
  9. 乐虎集团 basic surveying techniques for 建设 layout and control.
  10. 了解项目交付的不同方法,以及设计和施工过程中所有相关人员的角色和责任.
  11. Understand 建设 accounting and cost control.
  12. Understand 建设 quality assurance and control.
  13. Understand 建设 project control processes.
  14. Understand the legal implications of contract, 常见的, and regulatory law to manage a 建设 project.
  15. Understand the basic principles of sustainable 建设.
  16. Understand the basic principles of structural behavior.
  17. Understand the basic principles of HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems.


新大建筑管理专业的一年级学生从英语基础课程开始学习, 化学, 数学, and an introduction to the 建设 and economics basics. Second-year courses become more specific with an emphasis on surveying, 物理, and 建设 science and methods courses. 第三年的课程反映了建筑管理的关键领域以及商业基础. 大四继续学习关键的建筑管理课程,还提供9小时的商业选修课程和一个高级顶点项目.


BSCM + MCM加速课程为建筑管理专业的在读学生提供了攻读建筑管理硕士(MCM)的机会. 建筑管理专业的学生可以选择通过加速BSCM + MCM课程获得硕士学位, which requires at least a total of 30 course credits. 建筑管理硕士课程最多9个学分(三门课程)可用于本科课程. These courses must be taken in the 600- or 700-level. 从这个意义上说, the interested students could accelerate the master's study by shortening three courses, so that they could complete the remaining 21 credits and graduate in one year.


The department has well-qualified and dedicated faculty members. They are nationally and internationally recognized experts, with the knowledge and experience to prepare graduates for successful careers. Most faculty members in the department have a doctoral degree. 他们中的许多人都获得了专业工程师(PE)或注册专业承包商(CPC)的许可。. 除了, 该系有许多曾在该行业工作或目前在该行业工作的兼职教员.


本系拥有完善的实验室设施,适合各类民用本科教育, 环境, 建筑区域, including the teaching laboratories for civil engineering 材料, 建设 管理 and engineering, 环境工程, 岩土工程, 结构工程, 交通运输工程, 水利工程. Students also have access to computer clusters and many state-of-the-art research laboratories. The program has the most updated modern teaching and research equipment such as GPS units, 机器人全站仪, 无人驾驶飞机, 和虚拟现实装置.


Students participate in many professional departmental student organizations in the department, which helps them develop leadership and teamwork skills. 主要的学生组织包括美国铁路工程和道路养护协会(AREMA)。, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Water Works Association (AWWA), 联合总承包商(AGC), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 材料研究学会, National Association of 首页builders (NAHB), Sigma Lambda Chi, 和水环境联合会(WEF), 以及钢桥, 具体的独木舟, Associated Schools of Construction and Residential 施工管理, GeoWall, 和智力竞赛碗比赛队伍. 学生也可以参加工程学院的一些学生组织, including the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), 无国界工程师组织(EWB), 新大大挑战学者, 人类家园, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), 和女工程师学会(SWE). The student organizations have won several national and regional awards.


希望准备大学水平课程的高中生应该尝试完成高中数学的四个单元. 准备学习微积分的新生通常会在四年内完成他们的建筑管理学位. 在另一个机构学习了两年建筑相关课程的转学生通常会在另外两年完成建筑管理学位.


The department awards numerous 奖学金 each year, which mostly range from $500 to $10,000. 北达科他州的AGC和法戈/穆尔黑德住宅建筑商护理基金会(法戈-穆尔黑德住宅建筑商协会的慈善机构)每年为即将入学的一年级学生和其他优秀学生提供奖学金. 除了, 许多其他奖学金, such as the Cossette 施工管理 and Engineering Scholarship, Excellence in Construction Safety Scholarship, and Interstates 施工管理 and Engineering Scholarship, 可供学生使用. Students should check with the department for more information. Other forms of financial aid are available through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.


建筑管理专业的毕业生毕业后在各类建筑承包商中需求量很大, from general contractors to specialty contractors. Positions available include superintendent, project manager, and 建设 executive. The starting salary for fresh graduates has been between $65,000 and $85,000 in recent years. 建筑管理专业的学生可以在建筑行业找到暑期实习或就业机会. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,从2022年到2032年,建筑经理的就业率将增长5%,高于所有职业的平均增长率(3%)。.